Flashcards - Study, Memorize & Prepare for exams


The Flashcards app lets users create personalized study sets for any subject, add terms and definitions, organize information with tags, and improve their learning experience.  Read more about Flashcards - Study, Memorize & Prepare for exams  

The mobile solution addresses students and any other person who wants to expand their knowledge effectively. It enables them to memorize new words, concepts, and definitions using customized flashcards. There is no need for a permanent Internet connection, as the Android tool works offline as well. 
Users can create multiple study sets, whether to learn history, geography, science, English, or any other subject of interest. They must add a name when deciding to make a new learning material, write a short description, select a category, and choose a color. Afterward, they must design cards one at a time, specify terms and definitions, attach tags, give relevant examples, and add URLs if needed. 
The app also lets users create study sets on their computers and then import CSV files. Likewise, they can add images to flashcards, but it is worth mentioning that this is a premium feature available only via subscription. 
Once the design process is complete, learners get the chance to select from many different practice modes. They can review cards one by one, choose correct definitions, match between two lists, and take advantage of the read-aloud functionality to memorize terms successfully. Furthermore, users may track their progress, adjust various settings, and switch to the dark theme to optimize their learning experience.