Family5 - Activities, Goals and Parenting Tips


Family5 is a solution that helps parents spend quality time with their kids, find new activities to do together, set goals, and develop their cognitive skills. Read more about Family5 - Activities, Goals and Parenting Tips  

The application targets parents whose children are between 1 and 12 years old. It gives them the chance to discover plenty of valuable tips on how to spend their time productively. There are hundreds of engaging activities that promise to stimulate the most significant cognitive abilities, such as sustained attention, memory, information processing, creativity, and critical thinking.
When signing up for an account, parents need to define their family, add kids, and invite caretakers if applicable. Afterward, they are free to explore the large-scale collection of interactive tasks and open any section that suits their requirements, whether they want to focus on communication, craft ideas, or science experiments to do at home. Each activity takes only a few minutes to avoid the risk of losing children's interest.
Likewise, the Android tool contains dozens of goal ideas that aim to help kids grow positive habits in multiple areas, including healthy living, good manners, and social interactions. Parents can also read expert recommendations on how to manage some of the most frequent family problems, such as domestic chores, difficult emotions, or digital well-being. Moreover, they get the chance to keep track of their improvements and set a custom reminder to receive daily suggestions.