Microsoft Excel


Microsoft Excel for Android is exactly the app you need if you want to create, edit, or view Excel files. Read more about Microsoft Excel  

Editing an Excel file on your phone sounds a little bit tricky, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Microsoft shows not only that it can be done, but it can be done with style and in a way that allows any user to just pick up the application and use it.
Microsoft Excel for Android keeps that office familiar Office feeling and general functionality, which means that if you are already a power user you’ll going to feel right at home. Also, the fact that the application uses the cloud functionality from Microsoft is important because you’re never going to lose another file ever again.
It’s worth noting that people shouldn’t expect to find the same kind of functionality for Microsoft Excel on Android and desktop PCs. The mobile version is designed predominantly for quick edits and primary functions. Some of the more advanced features are not available.