English Grammar Learning Free Offline Grammar Book



The mobile solution mainly targets beginners and intermediate learners who want to expand their English knowledge. It brings an extensive set of benefits that anyone can enjoy completely free of charge, even when not connected to the Internet.
With this Android tool, users get the chance to acquire new information every day on a multitude of English grammar topics. The offline book includes lessons on verbs, tenses, nouns, articles, prepositions, complex sentences, compound words, figures of speech, and much more. Likewise, it shows lots of examples to make sure that all apprentices understand each concept correctly.
Apart from the learning content, the app encourages users to take daily tests and thus check their knowledge regularly. They can set a reminder, indicate a maximum number of questions for the quiz, and see their performance at the end of each assessment.
It is also worth mentioning that the more you practice, the more points you gain. Afterward, when reaching a particular score, you may use those virtual rewards to remove all the ads from the mobile solution.