Constellation Map


Constellation Map is a tool that provides users with information about celestial objects when pointing their devices towards the sky. Read more about Constellation Map  

Many people wanted at least once to find out the name of a specific star they were seeing. They have two main options for answering that question: one is to search for information on various websites, and the other is to download specialized apps on their Android devices. Here comes into play Constellation Map, a mobile solution that enables users to see the names of multiple stars, constellations, and deep-sky objects.
The app displays real-time information once you authorize it to detect your current location. However, you can also add particular geographic coordinates or explore the built-in map to select any spot in the world.
Users must point their devices towards the sky to discover if the celestial object they look at is a planet in the Solar system or a star in a well-known constellation, such as Andromeda, Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, Orion, or Phoenix. They can also zoom in to see the names even better, increase the font size from settings, show cardinal points, and hide some details depending on their preferences.
Furthermore, the app lets users set any date and time they want to explore the sky at that point in history. Likewise, they can search the database for a specific planet or constellation and then get tips on how to find that astronomical body in the sky.