Color Band A1

Color Band A1 tracks your physical activities day by day, monitors your sleep, tests the intensity of UV radiation, and sends reminders to help you achieve any fitness goal effectively. Read more about Color Band A1  

The app is designed exclusively for the Huawei's Color Band A1, a wearable from the Chinese company that attaches to your wrist and tracks not only your steps but also your sleep and the UV levels.
Once installed the software, users should reveal a batch of personal data, including their gender, date of birth, height, and current weight, then add a nickname and set a fitness goal.
The mobile solution promises to track your steps accurately and offer detailed statistics, whether you are walking, running, or cycling. Furthermore, it monitors sleep patterns to provide afterward information about the time you spent sleeping and being awake every day.
Besides that, the app tests the UV radiation levels and tells users to cover up their head and body, wear sunglasses, apply sunscreen, or drink more water. It also enables users to set alarms and sends notifications about incoming calls or messages during particular time intervals.