Chest Simulator for CR


Chest Simulator for CR is yet another app for Clash Royale that aims to offer users an extra chance of getting an important chest. Read more about Chest Simulator for CR  

You could be playing Clash Royale like anyone else, but that might not be enough. If you want to know important information about your profile and to learn what are the chances of actually getting a new chest, you will have to give the Chest Simulator for CR a try.
It’s necessary to keep in mind that Chest Simulator for CR will not guarantee a drop, but it does increase the chances to receive Legendary and Epic Chests. With the help of the application more than 70 cards will become available in time. Also, 11 chest simulators are present in the game, including Wooden, Crown, Silver, Golden, Magical, Giant, Super Magical, Epic, Legendary, Tournament, and Clan.
It’s also likely that the developers of Clash Royale might not like this app and request to get it removed from the store.