Birthday calendar reminder


Birthday Calendar is an app that lets you keep track of all significant anniversaries in your life within a user-friendly interface, import events from contacts, and set reminders. Read more about Birthday calendar reminder  

Most of us have forgotten at least once the birthday of a close person. It is hard to remember all the upcoming events if you have a hectic lifestyle or if your memory is frequently unreliable. Here comes into play Birthday Calendar, a mobile solution that promises to help you manage and overview all the noteworthy anniversaries in your life. It has an intuitive design and does not ask for registration nor unnecessary permissions. Moreover, the developer states that all personal data you add is safe and secure.
After installing the Android software, users may start inserting birthdays into the calendar. The only thing they need to do is to indicate names, specify dates, choose icons, and tap the checkmark symbol. Likewise, they are free to import anniversaries from contacts, files, or even from other calendars.
The app can send notifications about an upcoming event on the same day or a few days before, depending on your preferences. Furthermore, it lets you share, export, and synchronize birthdays, but these options are available only through a premium subscription.