Binaural Beats - Study Music, Brain Waves


Binaural Beats is an app that lets you listen to soothing music in the background and stimulate your creativity, boost focus, or enhance relaxation. Read more about Binaural Beats - Study Music, Brain Waves  

The ambient atmosphere can have a high impact on our mood. There are situations in which we cannot change anything in the nearby environment for various reasons. But at all other times, we have the freedom to make some adjustments that are going to lift our spirits if we feel the need.
Music is an excellent solution in many cases. We may listen to our favorite songs anytime we want to improve our state of mind. Additionally, we can download a large variety of applications that play relaxing sounds. Binaural Beats is one of these tools. It combines soothing music with brain waves for an even better experience and superior effects.
The Android software has an easy-to-use interface and works without a permanent internet connection. Whether you aim to improve your study capacity, focus, creativity, and memory, enhance relaxation, or induce sleep, there is an alternative for your requirements. Moreover, after selecting an option from that list, you get the chance to adjust the volume to your preference.
The application also lets users generate binaural frequencies and create custom mixes. Likewise, they can set the sleep timer and make the sound turn off automatically after a specified time interval.