

AutoMagisk is an application that disables Magisk\'s root toggle when the user’s opening an app, allowing for the user of certain apps on rooted devices. Read more about AutoMagisk  

Some apps, such as Android Pay or Pokémon Go don’t work on rooted devices, and these are just a few of the most prominent ones. The developers determine whether your device is rooted or not with the help of SafetyNet, which determines the health and safety of an Android device.
Magisk is an application that can inject files into Android without having to modify or to mount the read/write partition. This is where AutoMagisk enters. It temporarily disables the Magisk's root toggle when you're opening an app, and then re-enables it when you’re closing it, unless it’s not one of the apps that's been excluded by the user from this procedure.
Also, it disables root when the screen is off, which should come in handy for using Android Pay.