

Authy is a complex and really useful application for Android devices that offers a strong authentication solution. Read more about Authy  

Losing control over an important account to some stranger can be a hassle, but you can make it a lot more difficult with the help of two-step authentication. Authy is a service that provides this exact solution and it’s supported by many websites and online services.
The best feature for this kind of security is that you can gain access to your account with the encrypted backups that are provided by the service. Also, the security tokens can be generated offline, which means that you don’t need to be connected to the Internet in order to use it.
To top it all off, pretty much all of the biggest names out there, such as Facebook, Dropbox, Amazon, Gmail, and others, are supported by Authy. Companies that deal with Bitcoins, like Coinbase, CEX.IO, BitGo, have support for Authy as well.