Alto's Odyssey


Alto\'s Odyssey is a 2D platformer that’s all about challenging players to perform more and more difficult tricks. Read more about Alto\'s Odyssey  

Alto's Odyssey is the sequel to the Alto’s Adventure, and it’s all about a sandboarding journey across a never-ending level. Some games choose to separate the levels, but Alto's Odyssey the limitations are the skills of the player.
In Alto's Odyssey, players need to perform tricks in order to advance to greater difficulties, to earn money, unlock new abilities, and better characters. Since the game is using a procedurally generated level, you’re never going to play the same things twice.
And the more you advance in difficulty, the more complicated the scenery will become. There is no end to the levels, players are only fighting with themselves. Overall, six characters are available, and there is even a Zen mode that lets people ride the sands indefinitely.