Adobe Photoshop Fix


Adobe Photoshop Fix is a simple and powerful application for editing images that brings some of the massive power of Photoshop to mobile devices. Read more about Adobe Photoshop Fix  

Adobe Photoshop is a professional tool for editing images, and it requires a professional to operate it properly. Some of its functions are really useful, and they can be of great use to mobile users, so Adobe figured out that it can do that.
Adobe Photoshop Fix offers some of the awesome features that can be found in the desktop version, such as the ability to retouch and restore photos, make dramatic edits to facial features, push, pull, rotate, swell or reshape entire areas, paint to smooth or sharpen skin, landscapes or other content, desaturate colors, defocus images, add vignettes, and much more.
Just like all the other Adobe tools, Photoshop Fix also has support for Creative Cloud, meaning that you can export your work to other apps and you’ll never lose it again.